UPrising: UPD Community Mural and One Billion Rising 2024 Program
The program held at Benton Hall, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy was attended by more than 300 participants, way above the projected 100 pax. Attendees, as well as participants, came from different sectors and organizations within and beyond the UP community.
The program was hosted by Lari Sabangan and LJ Mendones. Sectoral formations and organizations from UP Diliman were attended by the Congress of Teachers and Educators for National Democracy, All-UP Academic Employees Union, All-UP Workers’ Union, the Office of Faculty Regent, the Office of Student Regent, the University Student Council, and the Office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs. Student formations also participated in the activities, namely the University Student Council, Gabriela Youth – UP Diliman, and the Sangguniang Kabataan and Kariton ng Maralita Network of Brgy. UP Campus. Batibot Kids from Early Batibot Learning Center in Marikina City also attended the activities, together with their parents and school teachers. 1BillionRising global director Monique Wilson, Gabriela Women’s Party former Cong. Emmy De Jesus, Gabriela National Alliance Secretary General Joms Salvador, and former DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo also attended the event. Representatives from each organization also expressed their solidarity messages during the program.
A wide variety of performances were provided by the artists invited from within and beyond UP Diliman. Kontra-GaPi opened the program with their ever-engaging gamelan-style performance. Student performers from UP LIRIKA and UP Music Circle sang covers and original music in busking-style performances. Ang Mga Baklang Kanal (BKNL) collective performed a unique pageant-inspired performance while Megan from Be GLAD conducted an interpretative dance. All performers were in solidarity with the One Billion Rising and called to end the gender-based violence both in the university and the society at large.
Bigkisan: a 65-feet long mural honoring the women’s and LGBTQ community’s struggle. Design by Tambisan sa Sining.
The community mural, entitled Bigkisan, was designed and spearheaded by Tambisan Sa Sining Women’s Committee. From Tambisan Sa Sining’s post:
“Bigkisan is a 65-feet long mural (located at Fernandez street corner Roxas avenue, UP Diliman) that honors the women and the LGBTQ community’s struggle enjoined with the masses for a just future and important role of gender-oppressed people on fighting the ills of Philippine society – imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat capitalism.
Tambisan sa Sining acknowledges taht gender oppression and exploitation brought about by theses ills subject women and LGBTQ community to systemuc violence and fascism whether they are peasants, workers, or national minorities.
Tambisan sa Sining affirms that gender justice and liberation is only possible through dismantling the current system that benefits the few while multitudes of people blatantly suffer an undignified existence: hungry, landless, with ever-shrinking means of livelihood brought about by worsening economic and political crisis. From the countryside to the cities, from the frontiers to our surrounding waters, women and the LGBTQ community will rise together for national democracy with a socialist perspective – genuine freedom for all.
Tambisan sa Sining is a cultural national democratic mass organization that aims to organize Filipino artists around nationalist and progressive causes. As a closely allied organization of Kilusang Mayo Uno, our artworks and projects form our campaigns for workers’ rights, including but not limited to, wage increase, better working conditions, and the right to unionize.”
Bigkisan will be memorialized in UPDGO’s Diliman Gender Review.
The event was spearheaded by the Campaigns and Advocacy Program of the UP Diliman Gender Office, with the program office Auie Aurelio and associate Jasper Villasis. The stage manager was Johann Dale Reyes and Production Assistants were Gabriel Martin Matias and Vinzar Percia Rubi. Documentation was by Yeye Corpuz and Sound operator was Giano Ray Potes. The sound system and technical staff were from Luxx Aeterna. The registration booth was staffed by Connie Marquina, Wilfran Delapaz, and Blessie Joy Lampa. Connie Marquina also served as the bookkeeper of the event. The overall runner was Rey Bautista. Volunteers also helped as manpower for the event.
Campaigns and Advocacy Program thanks the following offices for making the event possible: Campus Maintenance Office, Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Community Affairs, Office of the Chancellor, Traffic Management Office, University Health Service, Human Resources and Development Office, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Public Security Office, Office of Anti-Sexual Harassment, and the University Student Council.
Documentation and Media Coverage
UPrising: UPD Community Mural and One Billion Rising Program were covered by several media outlets within and beyond UP Diliman, as well as the Facebook Pages of different organizations and formations.
Manila Bulletin: https://www.facebook.com/
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UP Diliman Information Office: https://upd.edu.ph/uprising-
2024/?fbclid= IwAR0tKE96eGNiOPW89w8tdm5Ztxnn cw8nRTf9ajij94jAsqxZYZ0anQ30BB 4 -
Philippine Collegian: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/qtgo5ShnvPEjf4D5/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Kalasag: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/BQZMZRbnRx6K3zDa/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Tinig ng Plaridel: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/TLmTcMsGMVTTfasY/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Congress for Teachers/Educators for Nationalism and Democracy: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/LdMZgnhmnqr5Q9CZ/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Office of the Faculty Regent: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/7PLgTGMPLXgPgYyE/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
College of Fine Arts GAD Committee: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/yadPSXAsdHbbm3o9/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
All-UP Academic Employees Union: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/Ap3thqCCo4LWbGLK/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Center for Women’s Resources: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/QD8WPyZnwN19gRLV/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
Tambisan sa Sining Women’s Committee: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/Uae5FjTuyeGEzHY7/? mibextid=xfxF2i -
GABRIELA National Alliance of Women: https://www.facebook.com/
share/p/YT3n7FJrz7pELynx/? mibextid=xfxF2i
Photos of the event were also published on UPDGO’s Facebook Page and can be accessed here: https://www.facebook.com/